1. Proximal Bicep Tendinopathy – Part 2 – Keeley Physio
    – Rehab daily but be careful when warming up or training tendons
    Warm-up the Shoulder: extension elbow tucked using tube or band
    (1) Arm Raise to Front with elbow bent @90º: band set at waist height; assist with opposite arm during raise
    (2) Arm Raise to Front with elbow bent @90º: band set at ankle height; assist with opposite arm during raise
  2. Proximal Bicep Tendinopathy – Part 2 – Keeley Physio
    (3) Body Row: lowering with one arm; use both arms to pull back to standing
    (4) Hand behind the back: hold a band that is anchored to a post at waist level directly behind you
    (5) Chest & Front Shoulder stretch: forearm on door frame with elbow above shoulder level if possible (if not find comfortable level)
  3. Distal Bicep Tendinopathy – Strength Exercises – Keeley Physio
    – It’s possible to put a lot of load on a tendon using isometrics
    (1) Elbow @90º Isometric Bicep Curl: hand under a lifting bar or a table
    (2) Elbow range 90º to 45º Body Row
    (3) Band/Tube Bicep Curl with hand rotation: band/tube anchored on inside of hand


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