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– Seated Cable Row, Inverted Body Row, Prone LYT, BB Row
– Lat Pulldown, Chinup, Pullup

What is the best back exercise? – 2017 – Edelburg – PDF Link to Edelburg Thesis .
– 19 males; resistance-trained; 5 reps @70% 1RM or bodywt; rest 2min; exercises performed in random order
Lat Pulldown: overhand grip; medium width
Pullup: pronated overhand grip; medium width; Chinup: supinated underhand grip; shoulder width
Bent-over BB Row: overhand grip; wrists, elbows shoulders straight line; pulled toward the sternum keeping a flat back
Inverted row: medium-width grip; body straight, heels on floor, arms fully extended; pulled chest toward bar; shoulder blades retracted
Seated Row: Seated pulley machine; V-bar handle; feet on platform, knees bent, straight back; chest up; elbows back to front of stomach
I-Y-T Raises: prone on bench; palms facing for the letter “I”, palms facing for the letter “Y”, palms facing the floor for the letter “T”
Results MVC
Latissimus dorsi – Upper Fibers – Extension, adduction, horizontal abduction, and internal rotation of the shoulder
· Over 100% – pullup > chinup
· 85% → 82% – bent-over bb row > seated row > lat pulldown > inverted row
· 45% → 40% –TRX > IYT
Infraspinatus – External rotation of the shoulder (this is one of the rotator cuff muscles)
· 58% → 50% – IYT> bent over bb row > pullup > chinup > inverted row
· 40% → 35% – seated row > TRX> lat pulldown

Middle trapezius – Upward rotation and adduction of the scapulae
· Over 100% – IYT > bent over bb row > inverted row > seated row
· 80% → 75% – pullup > TRX
· 60% – chinup > lat pulldown
Lower trapezius – Depression of the scapulae
· 80% – IYT
· 62% → 42% – bent over bb row > lat pulldown > pullup > inverted row > chinup > seated row
· 35% – TRX
+ Erector spinae – Extension and lateral flexion of the spine
· 62% – bent over bb row
· 48% → 40% – IYT > pullup > chinup > inverted row > seated row
· 28% → 20% – TRX > lat pulldown


– Lat Pulldown, Seated Cable Row, BB Row, Upright Row

EMG of the biceps brachii, latissimus dorsi, and trapezius muscles during 5 pull exercises – 2005 – Handa
– compare 5 different pull movements; 8 weight-trained men; 3 reps @70%1RM
– Universal Machine for Lat Pulls and Seated Rows
– Barbell for Bent Over Rows and Upright Rows
Results using
Note: I don’t know where the electrodes were placed for the latissimus dorsi
Latissimus Dorsi: seated cable row 82% · lat pulldown 78% · bent over row 64% · upright row 14%
Trapezius – Upper: upright row 82% · bb bent over row 78% · seated cable row 42% · lat pulldown 29%
Trapezius – Middle: bb bent over row 90% · seated cable row 66% · upright row 66% · lat pulldown 48%
Trapezius – Lower: bb bent over row 87% · upright row 67% · seated cable row 56% · lat pulldown 55%
+ Biceps Brachii: upright row 92% · lat pulldown 64% · bb bent over row 44% · seated cable row 41%

– Lat Pulldowns vs. Seated Row

Variations in muscle activation levels during traditional latissimus dorsi weight training exercises – 2004 – Lehman
– 12  healthy males average age 27 with >6 months of weight training experience
Electrode Placement
– Biceps Brachii: middle of the muscle belly when the elbow was flexed at 90 degrees
– Latissimus Dorsi: one cm lateral to the inferior border of the right scapula
– Middle Trapezius and Rhomboid Minor: between the spine of the scapula and the 2nd thoracic spinous process
1. Medium Width Pronated Grip Pull down: 150% shoulder width; arms 90º shoulder flexion, 90º elbow flexion. (1–2″ above eye level); hold for 10 secs
2. Narrow Reverse (Supinated) Grip Pull down: 100% shoulder width; arms 90º shoulder forward flexion, 90º elbow flexion (1–2″ above eye level); hold 10 secs
3. Seated Row, shoulders retracted hold: pronated grip 6″ apart; shoulder 0º flexion and 90º elbow flexion with maximal scapular retraction; hold 10 secs
4. Seated Row, shoulders slack: same movement as exercise #3 except allowing the scapula to roll forward during the isometric hold portion of the exercise
Results – MVIC
Note: same weight was used for all 4 exercises
Upper Latissimus Dorsi: seated row + retraction hold 37% · seated row 30% · pronated grip lat pull 26% · supinated grip lat pull 22%
Middle Trapezius/Rhomboids: seated row + retraction hold 35% · seated row 30% · pronated grip lat pull 27% · supinated grip lat pull 20%
+ Biceps Brachii: supinated grip lat pull 20% · seated row + retraction hold 20% · seated row 18% · pronated grip lat pull 15%


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