Restore your Neck Posture & Curve .
(1) 1:00 mark – Neck Rotation Mobilization: towel behind the head
(2) 2:00 – Neck Extensions Mobilization: towel behind the head; use a band over the towel for more resistance
(3) 3:50 – Upper Trapezius Neck Stretch: head to shoulder
(4) 5:30 – Levator Scapulae Neck Stretch: head rotated to shoulder
6 Steps to Relieve Headaches and Fix Neck Pain using a Small Ball .
Note: place the ball in a long sock Small Ball – Leaning against the wall or Lying on the floor
(1) roll the ball side to side
(2) roll the head side to side
(3) nod the head up and down
(4) place ball on one side of neck; lean that same side shoulder against the wall doing 1/4 squats
(5) place ball on one side of neck; roll side to side