STRENGTH & MUSCLE MASS: QL – Quadratus Lumborum

NOTE: Research Articles are informative and fun to read. However, they can have varied results so you must learn what works best for you.


Quadratus Lumborum – Anatomy, Function & Release Exercise – Healthy Street
– provide stability to the body along with movement of the spine and pelvis.
– since this muscle is used frequently every day it is prone to strains and injuries resulting
– certain activities like repetitive heavy lifting and sporting activities can strain it
– When muscle knots form in the QL or it goes into spasm due to overload or injury
– Often this is more one-sided than the other, giving a lopsided feeling and can make it seem like one leg is shorter than the other or that your “pelvis is out” (which can’t really happen)
– The QL refers pain elsewhere and isn’t always felt at the muscle.
– The referred pain is generally felt in the outer hip and in the glutes and is often described as a deep ache but can be a sharp pain when moving
– The trouble is that this muscle is very hard to stretch – but, it is quite easy to do a QL muscle release!
1. Position
– Lie on your back and place a firm massage ball under the QL muscle, between the top of your pelvis and your bottom rib, off to each side of your spine
2. Action:
– Bring the knee on the same side as the ball up towards your chest, which puts pressure on the ball; holding onto your knee you can either:
(1) Rock your knee out to the side and then in again and repeat, OR
(2) Repeatedly bend your knee up and down towards your chest.
– Slowly and gently work into it for 1-2 minutes on each side

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