• MASSAGE BALLS: Baseball, Fastball, Softball. You can purchase soft versions without the laces if needed. Put 1 or 2 in a long sock and tie a knot.

  1. Supine & Standing Stretches + Massages .
    (1) Foam Roll Massage: 0:50
    – 20-30 rolls; point toes away and turn foot on different angles to hit all 3 hamstring muscles
    (2) Small Ball Massage: 1:25
    – Sit on hard chair or box
    – Ischaemic Compression: for 20-30 sec
    – Soft Tissue Stripping: side to side for 20-30 reps to break away adhesions and tight spots
    – Myofascial Release: extend the lower leg 20-30x keeping ball pressure on the tight spot or trigger point
    (3) Supine Banded PNF Stretch: 2:40 mark
    – lying on your back with band looped over ankle; straight leg
    – Let the band pull you into stretch and hold for 20 sec
    – the push against the band for 5-10 seconds at 60-80% strength
    – relax and let the band pull you into a stretch for 20 sec
  2. Hamstring Release Techniques
    (1) Myofascial Release with Ball: 3:00
    – Sitting on a hard surface; light movement to warm-up; apply pressure to tight spots
    – Inhale fully and exhale in a relaxed manner for 60 sec to engage the parasympathetic nervous system
    – Apply a shear force moving the knee side to side; a shear force works perpendicular to the line of fibers
    (2) Pin and Stretch: 6:00
    – place ball on tender area
    – extend leg 5x and hold for 10 seconds
    – repeat the length of the hamstrings

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