NOTE: If you are injured you must see a Rehabilitation Professional. Nothing on this website is a substitute for that.




Note: The Videos below are presented by Physios but are excellent for the Non-Injured as well

  1. Videos – [P]Rehab Jumping . Workshop – Keeley Physio
  2. Videos – [P]Rehab Jumping . Keeley Physio
  3. Videos – Post ACL Surgery . Hughes Physio
  4. Instagram – [P]Rehab Jumping – 1 . Kaitlyn Physio
    1️⃣ Forward single leg hops – again, focus is on exploding forward and controlling the landing (sagittal plane)
    2️⃣ Lateral single leg hops (frontal plane)
    3️⃣ Forward single leg hops with airex (sagittal plane)
    4️⃣ Lateral single leg hops with airex (frontal plane)
    5️⃣ Horizontal/Vertical single leg hops (frontal plane)
    6️⃣ Side shuffle with lateral hop (frontal plane)
  5. Instagram – [P]Rehab Jumping – 2 . Kaitlyn Physio
    – Same as above Hops but with more power
  6. Instagram – ACL Rehab Jumping . Kaitlyn Physio
    1️⃣ Keiser curtsy lunge to lateral lunge
    2️⃣ Keiser curtsy lunge to knee drive
    3️⃣ Band assisted split squat jumps
    4️⃣ Weighted jumps ➡️ box jumps
  7. Instagram – ACL Rehab Jumping. Kaitlyn Physio
    1️⃣ Keiser fwd step up jump
    2️⃣ Keiser lateral step up jump
    3️⃣ Rotational med ball toss
    4️⃣ Bulgarian split squat ➡️ SL hops
    5️⃣ Trap bar jumps (>60% BW)
  8. Instagram – ACL Rehab Jumping . Kaitlyn Physio
    1️⃣ Keiser transverse + lateral bounds
    2️⃣ Keiser resisted drop split squat
    3️⃣ Keiser resisted forward lunge (deceleration focus)
    4️⃣ SL box drops ➡️ lateral bound ➡️ transverse broad jump
    5️⃣ Drop jump
    6️⃣ Hurdle hops ➡️ acceleration
  9. Instagram – ACL Rehab Jumping . Kaitlyn Physio
    1️⃣ Single Leg Jump onto low soft pad; land with opposite leg from take-off leg
    2️⃣ Drop Jump from low pad; land on 2 legs
    3️⃣ 2 Leg Jump onto medium height soft pad
    4️⃣ Drop Jump from medium height pad: land on 1 leg

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